
Monday, November 19, 2012

Washi Twist Ties

Good day washi worshipers! ;) Kathy Martin here with a Pin-spiring tape project for you. Oh how I love Pinterest, let me count the ways.....

Recently while perusing my beloved Pinterest, I came across this twist tie project that I had to lift! It's easy, it's fun, and it's yummy...if you include chocolate! ;)

All you need are a few basic supplies, scissors, 24 gauge wire, wire cutters, Love My Tapes, and some treat bags. Fabric tape was used for the Pinterest project, but I used washi which worked well too. My wire was thin enough to cut with regular scissors, so if you have a pair you don't mind using on wire, go for it!

I filled glassine bags with chocolate covered raisins.

Making the twist ties is super simple. Take a 12" piece of the 'Merry Christmas' tape and lay it flat, sticky side up. I used a small piece of  transparent tape on both ends to hold it down. Then I took a 12" piece of 24 gauge wire and straightened it the best I could. Lay the wire along the tape and then with a second strip of washi, tape over the first piece and sandwhich them together. My 12" piece was long enough for both goody bags. These would be perfect for homemade cookies, wouldn't they! I'm sure you can think of a lot of  treats to fill them with and lots of ways to decorate them.

Have fun and thanks for dropping in!


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