Hello tape fans! We missed you this week and apologize for not posting content but our Tape Chick has been very sick all week and unable to get out of bed. We're happy to report that she is on the mend and you can expect more inspiration from Love My Tapes to return on Monday!
Today it's Feature Friday and that means it's all about you! This week spotted some very yummy handmade cards from Courtney Baker on her design blog
Practicing Creativity!

We love how Courtney used our
Hougan blue masking tape for this fun card!

Courtney also owns her own stamp company,
Practicing Creativity. All the images in her cards show today are from her own stamp lines. Courtney and her husband design the cutest high quality photopolymer stamps and here's a little bit bout her stamping website:
This site is a result of a dream, a supportive husband, and a fantastic book called A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller. After a year of wishing and dreaming of designing stamps we made the plunge. We were determined to try, and the quote below helps remind us of our dream.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain
We'd like to thank Courtney for letting us post her projects for our Feature Friday. Be sure and visit Courtney's
blog for more inspiration!
If you'd like to be featured on Feature Fridays simply email us your artwork to our email address @ lovemytapes@gmail.com. Each week we'll feature the artwork we receive in our mailbox and a link to your blog. Here's the deets for your photo submissions
- Please make sure your photos are no larger than 500x500pixels and at least 72dpi. If you need help with resizing your photos, paint.net is a free program you can download to re-size your photos.
- Please make sure you submit crisp clean pictures. Use the macro setting on your camera for photographing your work in natural light when possible.
- Be creative, we love any and all projects using our double sided tape and masking tapes.
I can't wait to see what comes into our mailbox!