Hello Love My Tapes fans! We have a special week in store for you. We have joined forces with our friends at Pretty Little Studio to provide you with inspiration using whimsical, vintage goodies from Pretty Little Studio paired with the versatility and trendiness of Love My Tapes.
We are the last stop on the hop, so if you haven't started hopping yet, we invite you to join in the fun.
No blog hop is complete without prizes. LOTS OF PRIZES!!
We will
announce the winners of the PLS and LMT giveaways on May 3rd. Be sure
to watch for the announcements.
So if you haven't started yet, let's get hopping! If you get lost along the way, just check below for the full lineup to get you back in the right direction. If you completed the hop, leave a comment for a chance to win!!
Pretty Little Studio Blog: http://prettylittlestudio.com/blog/
Aimee Maddern: http://aimeesarmoire.typepad.com/
Annette Allen: http://myclevercreations.blogspot.com/
Annette Witherspoon: http://www.aspoonfullofsugarcrafts.blogspot.com/
Ashley Horton: http://www.ashleyhortondesigns.com/
Candice Elliott: http://truedivinehand.blogspot.com/
Christina Collins: http://dontworry-bescrappy.blogspot.com/
Heather Adams: http://craftyscrapbooker.blogspot.com/
Janice Whiting: http://www.janiceaileen.blogspot.com/
Jenni Calma: http://www.papercardinal.blogspot.com/
Krissy McKee: http://krissyclarkmckee.blogspot.com/
Lisa Spiegel: http://lisaspiegel.typepad.com/my_weblog/
Lisa Wilkinson: http://www.createfor7.blogspot.com/
Mary Ann Jenkins: http://www.maryannjenkins.com/
Missy Whidden: http://littlenuggetcreations.blogspot.com/
Penny Smith: http://www.pennysmithdesigns.blogspot.com/
Tina Walker: http://adogslife-thirteen.blogspot.com/
Love My Tapes Blog: http://lovemytapes.blogspot.com/
So if you haven't started yet, let's get hopping! If you get lost along the way, just check below for the full lineup to get you back in the right direction. If you completed the hop, leave a comment for a chance to win!!
Pretty Little Studio Blog: http://prettylittlestudio.com/
Aimee Maddern: http://
Annette Allen: http://
Annette Witherspoon: http://
Ashley Horton: http://
Candice Elliott: http://
Christina Collins: http://
Heather Adams: http://
Janice Whiting: http://
Jenni Calma: http://
Krissy McKee: http://
Lisa Spiegel: http://
Lisa Wilkinson: http://
Mary Ann Jenkins: http://www.maryannjenkins.com/
Missy Whidden: http://
Penny Smith: http://
Tina Walker: http://
Love My Tapes Blog: http://